Brand Name: NoEnName_Null
With Water Dispenser: No
Power Source: Battery
Min Output: 50g
Max Output: 500g
Time Setting: Yes
Material: Stainless Steel
Origin: US(Origin)
LCD Display: No
Is Smart Device: YES
Material: Stainless Steel
Target Species: Dog
Recommended Uses For Product: Multiple Pets
Special Feature: Timer, Dishwasher Safe

About this item
- 2020 PET INNOVATION AWARD WINNER – Received the award for “Electronic Feeders/Waterers Product of the Year” for its innovative design to ensure your pet is fed on time every time
- SMARTPHONE NOTIFICATIONS: The pet feeder will send a notification to your smartphone when the feeder is running low or empty, or if there is an error with the feeder
- FEED YOUR PET WITH OUR APP: Use the My app to monitor your pet’s meals from anywhere; app requires an iPhone or iPod device iOS 12.0 or later or a compatible Android smartphone 9.0 or later
- GREAT FOR PETS WHO EAT TOO QUICKLY: Slow Feed setting dispenses meals larger than 1/8 cup in small amounts over 15 minutes
- FLEXIBLE PORTIONS: Schedule up to 12 meals daily that can be dispensed from 1/8 cup to 4 cups to fit your pet’s needs; If you need to temporarily stop the feeder from dispensing you can turn off the schedule in the app
- TOP-RACK DISHWASHER SAFE: Lid, hopper, bowl and bowl holder are top-rack dishwasher-safe for convenient cleaning
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Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
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Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
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